Soul Retreat

Rev. Janice organized a Soul Retreat at Unity Church yesterday.  Fifteen souls in silence for seven hours, using meditation, metta-meditation, mandalas, chanting, dance, Qigong, Tai Chi and tea to reconnect and nourish the soul with the Source of all souls.

Afterwards, several participants said Tai Chi walking set the tone for the day.  They had never moved so slowly and it launched them into greater awareness.  We did five of the Seven Precious Gestures, in silence as part of our silent day .  The energy was palpable.  Several participants commented on the Qi rush they experienced as heat or lightness.

Before the retreat, we each shared our name and our intention.  Many simply desired to slow down, to clear their mind, to give themselves a day of rest.  My intention was to share and serve by helping Janice, to give the gift of Tai Chi and Qigong, and thereby to receive by consciously communing with the other souls as we shared the day’s journey.  Afterwards, all of the souls shared feeling the fulfillment of our intentions.  Breathe….and inspire…!